Skitter is a first-person game built around fast movement, platforming and dodging. Lower all the force fields to win the game. Playtime: 5-10 minutes.


WSAD - moving
SPACE - jumping (double jump available)
9 and 0 - sensitivity adjusment

Be sure to run in full screen!

3rd party assets used:

- Pixel art space station tileset
- Universal Sound FX pack
- Monster sound FX pack
- Menu fonts (Dash Digital and Time Mover)
- Kenney's UI pack (menu buttons)
- Skybox


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Great game, it really plays fantastic. Perfect level of difficulty for a 3D platformer.


Esta bien el juego, pero me parece que el tema no está en ningún lado.

(2 edits)

You are quite literally the monster (subject K3K-69 ;)) escaping the station. The flavour text is built around it. Note the wet splashing footstep/landing sounds, the death roar, the low perspective of the camera and the warped fisheye view.

Ufff losiento creo que me equivoque de juego al poner eso, puede que haya pulsado otro juego y puesto eso, losiento no quería ponerte eso a tu juego

That's okay, don't worry about it :D